Are you impressed?
I sat down,
yes with determination
i'm going to win this,
of course and take the money home.
But wait, what shall i write about?
May be i'l impregnate these lines,
with words like impregnate,
put in some absurd images and sit back,
maybe they’ll come up with a meaning so wonderful.
Or i might even hide a sad lonely story,
between the lines, of a lost father, remarried mother
and of a desire for financial independence.
oh yes financial, yes it’s for the money.
Then i can always refer this and that,
and be like Eliot, and write a scholar's poem.
Mention a great poet and boast," come on i know him",
like i just did, Will they be impressed?
Or take another step and make love to nature?
be a feminist or talk for the marginalized,
and all the other politically correct things in the world?
Replay it to the conscience, may be its not about the money,
May be my inanimate words can help a fanatic see things right.
No no, its not about the money, or the fame,
I do hope my words can make the world a better place.
Now, are you impressed?