The Blue Bus Stop
It’s painted blue, the colour of the Indian cricket jersey.
It’s partially faded. A banana farmer, a curator, two
nurses, three masons…
All of them wait under
one roof. Some sit, while others stand like figurines.
Waiting is a virtue with its taproot in patience. More
than Hindus, Muslims
or Christians, they’re
passengers. An archetype of secularism. It’s enthralling
as a miniature arboretum of culture. The ylang-ylang has
bloomed behind.
Fragrance and vibes
linger in the air. The bus stop is a parasol for expectancy.
Also, it’s a launch pad, sometimes a Zimmer frame, for
thoughts. As the bus comes,
minds return to their bodies.
First published in Portmanteau LDN, UK.
*ylang-ylang - a fragrant flower/tree.
*Zimmer - a kind of walking frame.