Brony Rondeau #1

Friendship is magic?  I laugh up my sleeve,
Smirking as colorful ponies achieve
Colorful goals against colorful odds,
Vanquish the villains, the grouches, the frauds,
And all with a song and a French weave.

Fantasy worlds by their nature deceive,
Coddle the simple, and soothe the naive.
Still, I'm enchanted like one of those clods.
Friendship is magic?

Frowning, I fidget, refuse to believe,
Smother my feelings so dead, I can't grieve.
Never embrace it with grins or with nods!
Glare at 'em!  Stifle 'em!  Call 'em jerkwads!
I watch it alone.  It's my pet peeve:
Friendship is magic...