Marble, white velvet
arabesque of air,
succession of pleasures
Lost sweet fruit,
after cool mist
of loving sea.
Wood and lounge,
the captive spirits
in the carbines,
swimming in wine
eye of tiger
behind the sunset.
Miracle without witness,
the aromas awake
madness that dominates
porcelain and cigarettes,
hours so wild
looks, fugitive wakefulness.
Intra mural herbs
sprout in summer
like broken lights
so much symphonies,
thunder of steel
the blizzards murmur.
Walls that laugh
lips like silhouette,
the holy rites
in sand skin
for sleeping spirits
after the kiss.
Internal water runs
and slow smoke.
Strokes are songs
voice is seawater.
Storms swarms here
of jasper asleep.
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