Dancing Shadows
Come walk with me, my love,
on this moonlit summer night,
beneath the grove of oaks
bathed in the moon's silvery, filtered light;
the shadows dance upon our skin,
delicate designs ruled by the breeze.
Rich with the scent of the fragrant earth,
the night surrounds us with its beauty;
we stop, listening
to the rustling of the trees
as they sway softly in the wind.
A peaceful, soothing feeling surounds us
while we are hidden under the cloak of Nyx,
feeling the fallen leaves
beneath our bare feet as we walk.
You draw close to me,
nothing more than your hand touching
my soft, pale patterned skin
and my body combusts
with invisible flames at this first touch,
the nearness of you overwhelming me.
I look up at you,
catching a brief view of your sihouette
against the moonlit leaves above;
my hear sings to you
beckoning you to come nearer,
and in quet response
you draw me into your embrace.
You and I are hidden from all eyes,
except for those of Artemis,
who averts her gentle, virgin eyes
blushing with eternal innocence
as I allow your thorns to pierce my soul.
This poem was originally published in my first book Transcendental Gateways.