Days in Motion
Time eases the turbulent days,
And with it comes a deeper understanding of all that life brings,
For every journey through a shrivelled meadow, there is an invigorating hope,
For every darkness in a chamber, there is a rising light.
Monsters staring through the window no longer disturb the mind,
The ominous things that the day brings do not evoke fear,
The strange encounters in slumber do not intrude on the day's goodwill,
The morning light serves as a doorway to a bouquet of hope.
Nothing tosses out of equilibrium,
The mind can discern the seasons and the reasons behind them,
It has learned how to summon the elements to do its bidding,
It has discovered the entrance to the cosmos' room.
My mother journeys and thrives in the light of these truths,
Her wisdom stems from this stream of knowledge,
She flourishes in its vitality,
And she encourages me to draw from this well.
Fifth Place in the Poetry Soup Contest.