Blame the corpse on me, my dove,
Spoons agree with dishes over food,
And opportunities glide away on slime,
Where dim lights peek through paper lids,
To lend a limb to a falling twig,
Flying on the wings of the wind,
Racketed to colonies of stars;
Aliens prowl trash cans
Hugging neccesity’s golden bowl,
Where brains spatter on mournful sidewalks,
And dialogue climbs elongated trees,
But the wind snatches away at wailing raindrops,
Pounding hearts in splintered mortars,
Denial crowned king on a throne crafted in blood,
Oh! But time slaps fate to yield a tooth
And Mr. Tortoise evacuates cozy shell of feathers,
Laid bare under tearing beams of the sun’s vengeance.
We match each other as dogs wed tigers,
As the moon visits the sun,
Because my lineage claps in iron fetters,
Fangs and claws dance to the music of drums
As live acquisition is dragged away kicking;
Death coughs into the dungeon,
For we are destruction personified,
Life screams out of living persons our own
And only progeny fly protected on the wings of death.
Our lineage draws the unending thread
As secret poison dances to the music of harps,
Infused in every cell born to the lineage,
Trust me my love, history and brains share a seat,
A son must clap hands with elders.
The bond of doves in my heart cannot last
Unless heaven tiptoes away from swirling earth,
Or else doves wither away like flowers in a sun scorched field;
I am death personified,
The stench filled breath grows one brick a day,
But the vulture is smell-numb
The mice are blind
Squirrels turn lame,
So the gazelle hugs the lion.
The earthworm needs just a handshake from the cactus,
Micro droplet of venom stands licked from a spine of currency,
And yeast rushes through the kneaded dough
To place a seat on body cells
For cancer and her relatives
Cast in stealth mode.
Protection is unfettered to roam the earth
Only when currency is permanently glued to my cactus pocket;
You can now glimpse a sparkle from the needle in the haystack,
My love,
My eyes absorb new light,
But seat your ears down on a forward clock,
The tap has been released from prison,
The flow is a waterfall.
When two pairs of eyeballs initiated a glimmer,
My inner dove bowed to yours,
Prostrating along with vignettes of valor,
Mental faculties hopping through hoops,
Taken over completely by flying doves of affection,
Leaves trembling under the influence of heart squeezing wind torrents,
I know your dove’s eyes bulged;
Restraint from a hug tugged at my swift feet
Minute after minute,
Undoing the move
Of devouring, drowning you in streams of dove tears,
Dove eyes did not miss the flow,
My spinal cord burst forth with fevers unchallenged
The vessel trembling in a continuum,
With mental faculties dancing around the same fire,
A mirror image stared back at me,
Because a dove was born at first light of day.
Knit together a whole lineage’s existence
And you will search in vain for a flower so radiant,
Such a pair of doves,
Yet their feet could not alight
Not with the arena set ablaze
A journey set on slime
A square peg pushing into a round hole.
Had the rain fallen calmly
And the sun shone gently and steadily
A twist would have graced a bossom this marvelous,
Uncountable gifts adorning tables of gold,
Such as only a dove blinded by affection renders;
But the crunch of papers was too loud
It woke the sleeping tiger.
At least hold my hand,
My dove forever,
A call rang out from the east,
Flying on invisible wings,
Was heard in the west.
A hug from a shroud of smoke
I grow faint and dizzy,
Unable to undo creation’s child,
For one dove’s absence
Dwindles reciprocal dove to embers,
Even though I represent death in living flying flesh.
Eons have glided majestically by
Bearing dove need, tears, heartbreak and rage over limp heart and limb,
Comprehension hugs dark scenarios;
Feet shun prickly, spiny, thorny shoes,
For my heart mirrors slabs,
My heart, my dove.
Lineage shakes hands with most gruelling task,
To shy away completely from a rose so fair,
With salt trickling onto open wounds.
Knowledge seat echoed your name sunrise after sunrise,
Vibrating from the sands of time,
To calm highly strung, pained and rocky nerves
That would spin into certain insanity.
Thought processes craft a throne
For the beauty of ages.
The living heartbeat, my dove
Adorned with super-intelligence’s royal robes
Able to nose out thoughts, words and daggering out differences,
Responding in realms blinded to physical eyesight;
Yes! The reciprocal dove meandered around the glitch
To maintain an undying link of crinkling broken bottle sounds
A link as real as the the toad’s eyelid.
This bleeding heart stumbled over acres of tears,
Surprised to live after shattering to rocky threads,
To set eyes one more time
On a dove so astute and cute;
Deep calls onto deep,
Words cannot plait the braid of passion,
Expression is held captive
And helplessness permeates the veneer of faces,
A travel jacket hugs my deathly ribs
To sprout wings swimming in light’s speed,
Move the distance of planets away
And spare the life of a cherished dove.