Devilish Incarnations

Bored with forging evil on an
hourly basis, the Devil decided
to retire to Palm Beach with
a covey of chosen concubines
who had pleasured his lust
through the millennial ages.

Now he indulges his needs,
both carnal and gustatory
on an hourly basis, downing
flagons of nectar, absinthe,
honey and nepenthe, sating
his hunger with immense
quantities of meals sublime,
indulging in prolonged priapic
encounters in the afternoons,
followed by glorious naps
rich in holocaustic dreams.

In the evenings the Devil
watches films old and new
on a full-scale screen
in the Grand Orpheum
of his private theater.

Some of his favorites:
Tod Browning’s Freaks,
Joseph Mengele’s lost
reels of the experiments
at Auschwitz, and the
compiled slow motion
footage of suicide
bombers detonating
in the crowded streets
and markets of Israel,
Pakistan, Iraq, Kuwait.

No need to worry about
the Devil’s retirement.
His minions and their
many minions in turn,
their heirs everlasting
though the horrors of
the ages, are dedicated
to carry on all of his
fiendish endeavors that
prey upon the human spirit.

Just as they did before his
Incarnate Majesty claimed
the throne by trying on
his flaming scarlet skin.

The blades of sin may
be a little less sharp,
turn a little more slowly,
yet the cuts they leave
will be just as deep.

Now his minions wait
until some other worthy
savior arises to Father and
embody the Grand Tradition.

Perhaps the next incarnation
of his Maculate Majesty will
try on a skin that glows like
the rods of a nuclear reactor
ready to incandesce
in sacred conflagration.

Or he may opt for the most
common incarnation of all,
one human skin after another,
even many at the same time,
dying and being reborn,
over and over again with
kitbags full of hate and evil.

Appeared in Star*Line
