
by DavidKM


Super Penguin could slide on anything
Inpenguinly fast, even shooting up in the air sometimes
Folks compared it to guided missiles
It could slide on gravel, on forests, on cacti
Even the jumping cholla.

S.P. was a superswallower, too
Anything piscine went down the hatch
Gar, oarfish, a whole tuna
Nothing was too large
Great white or whale shark
Even a swordfish; no problem.

Not a narwhale, though
With its 10-foot helical tooth
Remember, they’re mammals.

S.P. was showing off
Sliding down one Himalayan peak
And up the next
Shooting clean out of sight
One time it built up so much speed
It flew up and up and up and just kept going.

If anyone saw it again
They’re keeping quiet
I think it’s the first penguin
On its way to another world
A fantastical ambassador from Earth
It’s searching for a new playground
Some place with huge sleek fish
And even taller mountains.

Now its little cousins
Are Evel Knieveling the oceans
They call the process panpenguinia
And it’s just beginning.