When a sky looks empty, let it be
No clouds holding back their tears
No sun showing off, dazzling bright
Just palest grey, a depressing sight
Yet even abandoned, as it appears
It offers a welcome restful serenity

As if the whole universe has paused
No silhouette of birds now in flight
Nor their dancing in a murmuration
Nothing but silence on this occasion
And not even a breeze to fly a kite
Yet unaware of any sadness caused

There’s no buzz of insects in the air
A moment to consider life and love
Without nature’s persistent sounds
That otherwise so easily confounds
Thankful for the peace high above
Now hope can now replace despair

It will soon be a time for reactions
Bring back the sun, wind and rain
An overdue return to some reality
And to welcome what is normality
Let there be busy skies once again
Accepting all the noisy distractions