Felix Seely: A Spoon River Poem
Now there are special classes for those like me-- "special-needs" people. That sounds so much kinder than the harsh terms in use when I was alive: "retarded," "not bright." The people in my little Southern hometown seemed to think such descriptions were acceptable if they were accompanied by "Bless his heart!" Oh, they didn't think I heard, but I did. Most "normal" people in town really loved me; others simply couldn't hide their pity. While those around me went to school and college, played their sports, married, had families, and went to work, I learned from them, my family, and the town. As I loved the Lord and people, laughed, lived, and grew wise in my own way, I observed some who lived good lives--busy, but not too busy to care and listen. From my sheltered spot, I watched others as they multi-tasked, made money, got promotions, built big houses, and drove expensive cars, but never really listened to anyone except superiors, who demanded their allegiance. These people failed to care until they couldn't care. Pity "normal" folks with hardened hearts, unseeing eyes, and unhearing ears--the ones who pity those like me.
Felix means "lucky, successful."
Seely means "happy, fortunate."