Frozen castle
Hope for fulfillment to be lacking there
seeking for glory rewarding quest
standing at entrance gazing in fear
companions surrounding vicarious dreams
bright steel weapons set for the quest
banners of heroes fly in the breeze
speak of their glory to fill with hope
seizing up weapons and set to the fight
youth filled with vigor engage the task
quickly wielding bright weapons for glory seek
lacking experience and heartbreak of age
the elders with wisdom slowly encroach
long cold battle filled with great pain
fear of failure and others disdain
driving the hopeless to foolish tasks
seeking great glory extending too far
singularly failing dropping aside
diminishing ranks for glory strive
slowly tiring but diminishing the foe
wearily persisting to bitter end
foe is defeated in sickness and fear
glory of quest has bitter taste
memories remembered will brighter be
then sickness a battle in bitter end