The Goblin Market


The Goblin Market
is where people in the know
go to buy components
for their spells and charms.

When a caster needs secrets
they can’t get retail,
they slip widdershins
around the kirk
and tread the darkling path.

Into the shadows
where the goblins skulk—
wizened creatures
with greedy eyes
and outstretched hands—
selling their wares
from ancient carts.

The goblins carry
eye of newt,
and tongue of dog,
henbane, spiderwort,
and moonbeams.

Under the counters,
for a handsome price,
lie the secret charms—
the caul of an unborn child,
dragon scales,
and unicorn horn,
the head of a basilisk,
the talon of a gryphon.

For a handful of gold,
you can take away
these treasures…
or sell your soul
for a magic bean.

The Goblin Market
is where people in the know
go to buy the magic
supermarkets lack.