God why/your answers
Title : God why/your answers
Dear God why u had to give me parent's addicted to drugs
Why u gave me death that runs in my blood
Why couldn't I
Have a family
Why we had to split up
Why I have 3 brothers
But only know one
Why I became the black sheep
Why was my home the streets
Why I had to struggle
Defend for myself
Why I was never taught
Why I had to learn it myself
Why couldn't I accept
The hands that feed me
Why I had to bite the hands that feed me
Why did I have to become a man at a young age
Why I never had a childhood
Why do I act out of rage
Why do I endanger my livelihood
Why do I have to write
To say these words
Why am I so numb
Why u had to damage
My nerves
Why do my mistakes
Cost me happiness
Why do u listen to me
When all I do is sin
Why is the darkness so comfortable
Why I allwayz lose
Why can't I win
I know u Hear Me
And In due time u will tell
But wut if I can't wait
Wut if it's to late
Wut if my thaughts cause a reaction to see you face to face
I have many questions
U have all the answers
God why ?.............
my son your answers
My son I have answers to your questions
My son I gave u parent's addicted to drugs
So wen u grow up you will know better
My son I put death in you so u can overcome and live better
My son I split ur family up
So u can know the reason of love
My son you know all of ur brothers try to connect with them don't give up
My son I made u strong
So ur siblings won't grow up weak
My son even I lost sleep wen u was alone wondering them streets
My son I made u learn everything
Because nobody will give u nothing
My son I made u defend yourself so you don't have to worry about nothing
My son the ppl I put in your life
You stab them in the back
My son you knew better but still went thru with the act
My son I won't give u more then you can handle
That's why you act out of rage to ppl who care for you
My son I gave u a heart
So you can feel happiness
My son you used it in the wrong way
That's why it cost you happiness
My son I do listen to you
But only in the dark you talk to me
Why is that Jason wen I am the light that's shines on you
My son I answered some of your questions
So don't fail me
Jason continue to pray and connect with me