Published 2015
I've just been drinking, sweating, drifting, take a selfie, hear a joke -not funny, go to bed, doze off, you get home, have sex, suck it off, you leave, I switch on the TV and catch up on the soaps-
Real life, got to get dressed in a skirt, perhaps I'll wear stockings, though you won't be there, I'm alone, place full of people, flowered gardens, drinking sober, I am hungry, triangle cuts of sandwich, pastry? sausage rolls, go home, get naked, you bring me an actual sausage in a roll, I laugh, that joke IS funny, you don't get it, sleep it off, wake at 2am, its dark, you’re watching some movie on the TV, I sit, I stand, I open the back door, argument next door, sit on the step, smoke a cigarette, get the book from my bag, read a poem, have an idea, hit by inspiration, starts getting light, we're in bed together, like some old married couple you say sleepy, tired, yawning, up early, work -
I get up later, switch off the radio you left on, you know I hate it, put on the TV, watch the news, get depressed, paint my nails, local paper falls on the mat with a couple of bills, got to get a job, make a sandwich, another dress, share a taxi, gay friend John, get drunk, fall down twice, home early, I'm a bloody disgrace, on the sofa, sleeping it off, you’re home, tell me I'm a right proper laugh when I'm drunk so don't worry about what they think, I don't, we have a Chinese and then we go to the pub, get plastered, got each other to hold each other up but when we all fall down who's going to get us back up, can't get the key in the lock, stars are up and out, soldiers on parade, bird noises, we sit on the doorstep, you snore when you sleep, although you deny that you had fallen into a dream, we laugh, we slur, we get so absurd, nosy neighbour calls the police, says we're making a racket, pious neighbourhood, nobody understands, ah to be young, only once, drunk every other day of the week though, policeman, nice man, tolerant, humble, gets the key in the lock, tells us to behave then he's on his way, like the postman, haven't heard from Barbra yet, up we get and stumble, you sit on the stair and I collapse onto your lap, mass giggling, bit of a play fight, you tickle, I slap, lose a nail, your hair ruffled, close the door, but I'm so hot, I know you are, take off your clothes -
Midnight, new day already, what happened yesterday? We got drunk, again!, you say erratically, each word carefully said, like you can't get them out of your head, let’s go to bed, good, good idea, you hiccup, I groan, where is bed, how far is it until we get there, just up the stairs, are we there yet, are we going to have sex, I can't even find the light switch and
This could go on forever and ever.