Head Full of Strange

Abducted by aliens
twice in my youth,
I grew up with a
head full of strange.
Unearthly implants
lodged in my flesh,
yet few that would
buy my strange tales.

I married a woman
much like myself,
she was strange in
her own special way.
For she was a witch
and the daughter of one,
a lineage that traced
back to a medieval age.

Our children are strangelings,
of that we are sure.
They have special powers
I dare not reveal.
We fear that their lives
will be wild and harsh
in a world that can
only view them as freaks.

So I watch the night sky
and pray for some ship
to salvage our lives
in a miracle flight.
Across stellar space
to a world that is strange
and welcomes our kind,
beyond the uncaring Earth.