I Am That Child

– A flashback, I can see
That skinny 12 year old – that’s me
I am that child
Same stirring brain
Same piercing eyes
I am that child again
With ghosts of yesterday – so near
Inside, explore – haunting memory so dear

Yes, I am that child
Molded, scolded
“Always, tell the truth!
Work hard – good grades
Obey – believe!
Schma Yisroel, Adomay Elaohanu, Adonai Echod
Believe, believe in only one great God”
My feelings strong and sound
As in youth, in spite of all, I hold my ground

I am that child
“Yes, Mutti, Ja, Pappi I will obey”
Your mores values mine
This and every day
My people’s belief
Chiseled, into my very being
Mysterious, seeking, most divine
An aberration by design.

I am that child
Fearful, the mocking sound
Jude, Jude!
Everywhere the ominous red swastikas
Demeaning news broadcasts
Jude, “Israel” Jude, thief, crook, cheat
“Der Sturmer” – I witness, listen -
Heil – Heil – the sea of raised arms,
Clicking heels - in unison the roar of crowds
Inhibited – I ask: “Am I really a 3rd class nobody?”
Me, the innocent boy – what is happening?
Everywhere the evil aura of blind, ignorant hate
Hasse (hate) die Rasse (the race) - Juden Raus!

I am that child whose wings were clipped
That child, in love, American shipped
Those wings now healed, I fly again
The ugly scar – so evident, always to remain