I have a man
I have a man,
Not a dream
Perhaps a used-to-be-unspoken one
I let it flow
Without any force
It came along
The feeling for this man
His beard always in my way
Tickling and scratching me
Like a cat and a mouse
In a fight never won and never lost
It is a battle
With this man
Like with any other
That for a while rattles
With words, with opinions
And all sorts of weapons
Without gushes of blood
Without a field of dead frozen slush
It is a love-building
Brick-laying negotiation
It is a learning to make a concession
For children
For the purpose of life?
During fleeting moments
When we are not working
But are above, in the clouds
Where sunset and sunrise shine
Through a glass-window
Into our sights
The moon and the noon
Both in the middle
Of our repetitive snooze and a cuddle
Making us alert and tired a little
It all matters
When giving it a second thought
As long as the Earth
Spins according to its schedule
And immerses us in its cradle
Swaying us in a net
Intertwined from where we first met
Just then
You are truly my man