I Know You
I know you.
Yet, I’ve never met you face to face.
But, I know you.
I’ve heard your voice a million times. I know every pitch and tone.
With my eyes sealed, I still can recognize you.
The way your laugh comes out. The breaths you take in during.
Somehow, I know you.
The way your forehead wrinkles as your brows are raised.
How the space in between them scrunches up when you’re in thought.
The facial expressions you put together when acting silly.
Or how you dance as if nobody can see you.
Man, I swear I know you.
How you come across the world as humble as can be.
You’ll stop and love those who love you back.
You can be any character in the world,
Yet I’ll still know you.
I’ve yet to meet you but I promise I know you.
And your insane ways that are a bit off.
Isn’t that why I love you? Aren’t we all a bit off?
Anybody you come in contact with, they love you.
I’ve never made a physical contact but I do adore you.
I guess, it’s because, so well, that I know you.
Yeah, I know your background but I know the inner you.
Crazy sounding, though, it’s true.
I’ll never be able to fully explain how, just know,
I know you.
Thank you. I don't think it's
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