Infant Spring Fervour
Dewdrops stream down boisterous
children’s freckle-strewn mischievous dials,
as they dash in cartoon costume
faux denim apparel amidst the pale yellow sunlight glare.
Marble stone button twiddle on a blue
rinse wrinkle t-shirt,
Sumptuous ice cream raspberry blobs
tantalise the cheeky taste bud imps
whose chocolate brown eyes swell with
every morsel glutinously gorged on.
Doting parents wantonly indulge their dawn glow
offspring’s shrieks of antic wonderment,
the honeysuckle fragrance that releases germ-stuffed
nostrils a portentous spring nectar booster
shot for folk and kin alike,
effervescent yodel from young sibling and the
young at heart zeal of golden realm guardians
elevated to this neon sign paradise,
purple sleeve lacquer layer hydrant, surreal spirit saviour
of parched embryonic throats.
Picklock to that universal perfume cloud that hovers
over asphalt stain urn and stoic mint green
pristine luscious lawn,
playground for the butterfly wing
vernal innocent shrouded by an orange
peel citric soft fruit haze.
Age span infant euphoric zoom
on fountain spume,
where families in a Ferris wheel hubub rejuvenate the
lacklustre greyness of their far too often
monochrome existence