Jumping into the system
We're fomenting revolutions on alien planets,
you know they are so much less well-developed than we are.
Of course the women are buxom and eager,
the men brave, but they can't hold a candle to us
in the mass murder department
still, we'll shoot first and
we never ask any questions until afterward, questions
like what is this mysterious device in the desert
and what happens if I pull the
lever next to the big red button
on the front (of course it may have been the top
in the device's original orientation)
and will it alter the climate or dry up the seas
because it sure looks like there was some kind of cataclysm
here a few thousand years ago.
It seems like the natives' civilization took a nose dive about then
at a time when they very well could've built something like this
whereas now they can't even carve it out of stone
or dig a decent ditch.
The end
Publ. Strange Horizons, Feb. 12, 2007