Kindness to Myself is Dreaming Big
Always trying to better myself
I feel creation to be hollow.
Acceptance comes from my body as a comforting wisdom.
MY perceptions are changing color. Through me.
Brown Earth, the green leaves, the blue sky.
MY perceptions change again as the emotions flush inside of within me.
Some times
there are some times when I feel the curtain has been lifted back and we are all grinning at each other and acknowledging the parts we are all playing out with each other, ourselves and everything around us and within us and then the curtain falls back and its as though we are not aloud to notice again this most obvious of circumstances and stances again or we forget about it completely. When you remember again, maybe by accident, it is as though you are a traitor to the cause of carrying on for remembering this most soft, sad and fragile, tender and vulnerable being inside.
Where I need to cry for myself were I to need to cry for myself
would be for my own fear of dreaming big, satisfying, comforting, sighing dreams about my own life. Self. Sigh.