Inspired ideas and thoughts emerge
Bursting up from the conscious mind
Maybe the subconscious, who knows
Yet the full flood of words still grows
Beyond the quantity as was assigned
And nothing seems to quell the surge

Sudden little doubts are softly treading
Along the bank of the gushing stream
The idea to stop the flow is abhorrent
Yet will nothing halt this raging torrent
Neither a lock nor dam, it would seem
Out to a communal ocean it’s heading

Previous planned work is washed away
Fingers are blurred as the keys clatter
A geyser of words from the deepest well
No acknowledgement if Heaven or Hell
Like a Pollock painting, colours spatter
And those that don’t fit tend to spray

It then settles down to a reasonable pace
Words and ideas tumble over wet rocks
Volume and density carrying meaning
With no time for any pride or preening
Nor planning, even if opportunity knocks
As written symbols fill every white space

Now it is much like an overflowing puddle
Sentence construction is making the shape
One can speculate whether the well is dry
But from the dark depths, an echoing cry
No prize to being first at the winning tape
It’ll be days to try and sort out this muddle