A Letter to My Daughters
A Letter to My Daughters
I loved them from the moment I found out they were a part of me
Growing inside of me, I remember every movement, every hiccup
I remember every ultrasound I went to, I remember every time I heard their hearts beat
I remember laying in bed watching my eldest daughter moving from inside of me
My stomach rolling up and down like waves in an Ocean I've never seen before
But I didn't need to see that Ocean, I had heaven and earth growing inside of me
I remember giving birth, every scream, every one liner, because even though I was in pain I could still joke, as these were the best days of my life
I remember them setting my first born on my stomach, I remember being in complete and utter shock
Something I thought I could never do, something I believed I was never worthy of
Something I had fallen madly in love with over the last nine months was laying right in front of me
She was my first accomplishment, something I could be proud of
Something I would do anything in my power to protect
I remember taking her home from the hospital
I remember not having a clue
I remember staring at her and crying, fearful of what I had always been scared of
The reason why I felt motherhood would never be for me
Terrified I couldn't give her the life she deserved, petrified I wouldn't always be able to protect her like at times my parents couldn't protect me
I remember my pregnancy with my second daughter, all too well
I remember every ultrasound I attended alone, due to low fetal movement, there were many
I remember anxiety attacks during my O.B appointments, also attended alone
I remember driving myself to the hospital,walking half way down the hall and taking the elevator to the second floor
This pregnancy was painful, this one was hard, but I remember every single movement she made inside of me even though they were few and far between
I remembered the way she felt, warm and safe inside of me
And I planned to continue to keep her that way, for the rest of my existence if I could
I remember my sister in the birthing unit with me
Standing by my side, holding my hand, wiping the sweat from my face, cheering me on as I pushed
Two nurses, one doctor, my sister and birthing couch, cheering me on as everyone did through this pregnancy
I remember four long days in a hospital room, they didn't want to send a woman with depression and anxiety home alone too soon, I am thankful for that and the support I received but I was ready to go
I was ready to do this, I was a single woman with a 2 year old I had not seen in far too long
I was ready to start our new journey
I remember my sister picking me up and bringing me home
I remember two hours alone with my new born miracle
I remember seeing my oldest walk up the pathway holding my sisters hand
I remember being terrified when the my sister was gone and the door closed behind her
The first night home, we all ended up on the couch together, we needed a bigger couch
I remember my oldest sitting on my lap watching T.V while I breastfed her little sister
I remember crying, repeatedly telling them I was sorry
Looking back I am not sure I was saying sorry to them or saying sorry to myself
I had little faith in my ability to do be a single parent although I had been one for two years already
And still there is days I doubt myself, a lot
But then I think back to the fighting I have done to keep them safe
And I remember their heart beats and which time I heard them
I remember my oldest being thrown on to my stomach the minute she was born
And my youngest on my chest
I remember staring across the room, as they weighed, measured and checked their vitals
I remember them handing each one back to me, I remember their bodies laying on my chest
I remember those little fingers wrapped around mine
I remember how rewarding it is to be a mother
Each day is full of greatness, some days are louder than others
Some days are full of tears, some mine and some there's
But each day is a day filled with the smiles of two babies who look up to me
Who think the sun sets and rises in my eyes, as I do theirs
Each day is a success I'd never thought I'd feel
Each day is a blessing
I'd love feed back from other
n. Riley
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