Dazzling moments of
unquenchable taste,
Drenched in a hasty.
I struggle to find my accent,
wrapped in the curriculum
of seriousness,
I wish I could play
like other preys.
It won't matter I thought,
smiling at rugged mountains
with wild cliffs.
A little leap won't hurt,
A bow and a bowling
for war and fun.
Don't be too serious
all through life.
A little game with
the riffle, will do
no harm, I claimed.
He's a warrior
they screamed.
Tied to the oak of
death, I've learnt
the hard way.
A soldier is a warrior,
once a fighter,
always a fighter.
As harmless as fun
looks, great warriors
were caught unawares
in their fun state.
The enemy doesn't rest forever.