A Love Story
A Love Story
“Genesis 6:1 – When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose”
The Bible does not tell us, but,
when the sons of God began to fall in love,
their parents tried to prohibit such incipient
and abnormal courtship.
Their sons had to marry, as always had,
women of their lineage, not the daughters
of those strange and odd people.
But there was the first, second, third and so on,
and a new ascendancy has been established,
as of the Conquerors and the Conquered,
the Lords and the Serfs, and,
most noteworthy, that of
the Gods and the Humans.
First published in Mocking Heart Review, Spring/Summer issue 2016.