The love without a name.

They told me my love was hell bound
My heart is infectious ground
For heaven locks it's doors
To love that don’t follow the norm

I was but a blossoming spring
Wondering afloat in flower rings
Feeling the warmth of parted lips
Feeling the bliss in a kiss

Until my garden was vandalized
They ripped the roses and the lilies
The scent was sweet and soft
Until they told i was rot

Now it’s heavy and dull between the trees
Because sunshine was her lips
And i learned so it seems
Only certain loves mean a thing

And i faced the love that lived in my garden
Questioning why was her so bad
Tears made waterfalls of her eyelashes
As she proclaimed sad:

For my name is not recognized
They think this shape is demonized
And made of me a sin
When i’m nothing but spring.