To my sister Jennifer, while I’m in Ithaca

When I think of the universe beginning,
I see light forming from the photons, banging
about the atoms, I see darkness and think
of my heart, but can darkness be
desperately wicked? Does that make all light
good and holy? I don’t know. The sunrise
of our youth unfolds like a flame lily,
each petal of light reaches into the future.
My love for you speaks out into the darkness,
into God’s ear, beyond all time and eternity,
beyond light. All I have is trust.
Remember there is the work of love,
remember love begs your acknowledgment
upon waking each day, that you answer it
from the deep of your heart. God calls you
His vessel for a reason, because you
must never be filled. Remember our two souls
were culled from love and we beg forever
to return to that soil, held once by
the hand of God, begging again to be planted.
When I think of the universe ending,
I see the light of our souls, which no man
may touch. I see our vessels broken, the fragments
useless as the graveyard of stars.
We were not meant to be filled,
we were always meant to be broken open,
exposed to darkness, the light given us
before creation flooding out all else.
Remember we were meant to trust.

Originally appeared in print in Rock & Sling