Nine Eleven
Never forgive, never forget
Insanity can never again rule the same as it did that dark day 15 years ago
Not enough guts nowadays it seems to wanna fight and protect our own
Everybody is too busy sticking their noses in their cell phones
Evil begets evil
Lived in sin and paid a horrible price
Eventfully you'll have to get unselfish fast and quit with all the selfies
Very few of you really seem to care if it did not effect your directly
E-mail and facebook takes most of youth's time as our nation's history falls by the wayside
Name yourselfs new creations in Christ and escape the brainwashing of cell phones
Trust me on this
They are only the newest tools used
To distract us
From seeing the truth in front of our very eyes
In losing touch with each other as human beings
We lose all touch with our history
And then the terrorists truely win
2016 Ramona Thompson