Ode to Summer
Clear and bright, you bring each day,
The sun is at its best,
Uncaged and uncloaked,
It stands on its podium,
Given its free room,
It smiles at us.
The time spent outside is a worthy stay,
The days are pervaded with light and flight,
The thrill seekers and the fun hopefuls rendezvous,
Eating joy in its pudding,
Twilight calls them back home,
The meadows rest from happy feet.
The washerwoman smiles at the clothes dancing on the lines,
Dutiful hands are duly rewarded,
She’s under the kiss of the sun and in summer’s embrace,
She sits to count her money,
The breadwinner awaits another planting season,
The children run errands for supper.
I am eager to face the day,
I am full of life and zeal,
You open the door to my potential,
A daily necessity is the brightness you bring,
My eyes see what it seeks,
I soar on colourful wings.
First published on Poem Hunter