Organized Black
Organized Black
by Alexander Smith
Oh, to the foreign spirit inside me rests,
Invades my beehive every morning
With coffee and pen nearby it comes
Before I write these words,
You alien spirit, I have to thank
I sink into an abyss,
Let fear go,
For the emptiness is mine own
All the falling to happen.
I struggle not
For my faith rests in you,
Foreign spirit, who invades,
Welcomed and invited
But not on my command
Like a woven feather net
You scoop up my falling
And shuttle me Upwards
Back to the desk
There, united,
For magic happens when we do,
Either, alone, cannot create
For only in union does it persist
We fill blankness
With organized black
Prior Production: Creative Writing Outloud Podcast
Thanks to everyone for
Alexander Smith
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