The Pacific

Seethe are the gods with upstirs,
Accompanied by hordes in astir.
Moving towards sea a ruckus ready,
Hubbub, brawl, and rumpus steady.

Ah, at the sight of the Pacific,
Unprecedented force of calm terrific,
Tends untowards to soothe
And allay the god's seethe.

Forcedly, untoward Auster accedes
But to meet tranquil and concede
And nimble in ease to grumble,
After the sly adjust unruffle.

Boreas advances seem friendly,
But to conceal it's uproar is hardly.
For the Pacific decipher the peaceful
And to pal with the placid is needful.

Storms' unseen gainstay placate;
Descend on the Pacific to vacate
And accept the fracas calm as keen
Yet the turn out was total Serene.