Life is a war,
Life is a struggle,
Life is a burden,
Wits, strength and persistence,
We all are govern,
Life is dark,
Life is chaos,
Life is pain,
However, pain let's one knows peace.
Yes, peace, a symbol of tranquility.
The want of something needed,
A great treasure, surely divided.
I tire of chaos,
I tire of war,
I tire of the struggle,
I tire of the burden.
I know it's to develop,
But is there no other way?
To be in the dark, yearning for a light?
To be in pain, yearning for relief?
I shouldn't need to die, or get into some belief.
Some find their peace in religion,
Others in things illegal,
A few in numbers,
A few alone,
I'm just like the latter, only being alone is sad
It has the good, but it also has things bad
Is my peace myself?
I simply can't tell
Is my peace in others?
Could never, I'm always a bother
Then what is my peace?
This young boy asks?
There's no one way to answer that,
Because anything said, there's no guarantee of that
But wait, I could say:
Peace is the absence of war,
The absence of struggles,
The absence of burdens,
The absence of darkness,
The absence of chaos,
The absence of pain.
Or to sum it all up nicely,
Peace is the absence of life,
The core enemy of Death.