The Pharmacist
I didn’t come here for a prescription,
but an open, accepting ear,
yet every time I come visit,
you choke my head with pills.
I wanted to share my experience,
yet all you seem to do,
is fill my purse with to-do lists,
instead of walking in my shoes.
I called you to catch up on life,
and thought you’d ask how I feel,
but you are too busy fixing me
to acknowledge me as a mirror.
I grow tired of your opinions,
your shoulds, your need tos, your don’ts,
that I stop calling you altogether
because I feel anxious when we talk.
Now that I am a mother, it’s different.
You may see me as your little sister,
but I am not. I am a grown up woman,
and I need space to call the shots.
I don’t want your advice on everything,
and if I do, I will kindly ask for it up front.
I would like to be treated as an equal,
not a project you tackle all at once.