Rape of Luna

by ter20

Clad in your veil of clouds, I see you
sitting on your throne, high
above the Olympus but no longer
will your haven be safe
for I can see you.

You are young, glowing pink with
juvenile blood running in your skin
You- who have freshly risen after a bath
in the lakes of Leon.

At peak, you shone bright
from you emanates the light reflected in
these fields of wheat. I gaze upon you
hidden in the woods.

Wade now little lady, descend unto me
I have waited for you here
in the horizons where
you must pass.

Tread softly that none may hear
you disappear behind the mountains.

Soon, your light will fade as I wrap you in my arms;
your rays screaming helplessly as I cover your mouth.

Don’t worry, my Luna, for soon an eclipse will envelope you.
I will hide your iris on the upper lid of your eyes that nothing but a white crescent may show.