Releasing Air-Traffic Controlling from the Shackles of the Past

Releasing Air-Traffic Controlling

from the Shackles of the Past



The much-ballyhooed myth of close

attention to the video monitor

fits somewhere between smart-phone

obsession and knuckle-cracking.


Trust me when I say the jets

can perfectly well take off

and land, without some meddle-minded

"sky Nazi" jackbooting into a microphone.


What really matters in a control tower

is that staffers feel good about

each other, and kudo their buddy's

victories like the gamers they are.


And if two blips collide while Lizbeth

and Derek are chatting, let it bode

the high-fiving of each other's hands,

as sirens scream the runway. 



jreinhart's picture
The turn of phrase and vocabulary generally are strong here. "Ballyhooed," "between smart-phone/obsession and knuckle-cracking," and "jackbooting into a microphone" all stand out for me. Is the author here a pilot? I'm still pondering the title - is it debunking stereotypes or assumptions?

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