The twilight wind sounds so like the ocean’s surf,
Crashing waves sending up spray of bird song,
Waking and waking.
I know no sleep.
Night after night I lie into the swooning tide of day,
Heart framed by the faded gold of same Sun,
Falling onto same sky;
The blue of day remains.
Baby blue, and nude,
and alone,
The sweet nectar of poisoned fantasy is swallowed by the surrounding darkness.
Passing cars, maybe with people, move past and then on,
and in exhaust’s wake,
choked by sleepless smog
I remain alone by water’s edge.
Carrion remains stain the shores.
Lying stiffly on sandy mattress,
Under eye of spiraling storm, who could sleep more soundly than the dead?
The world’s currents push and prod,
Its grunts and exhalations shake the night
But when the dawn comes all will be as it has been;
The wilting wind will still break on the rocks of my soul,
Chipping at the body of a babe abandoned on bedded beach,
Too tired for toddler’s rage, or anything.
Whether black or blue the truth remains -
These screaming shores will be my grave.