the seal
Please forgive me,
If I speak a few too many words
or if my gaze holds for a few seconds too long.
For I cannot stop my cheeks from turning red
Any more than the maple leaves can in autumn.
And I could no more keep myself from your side
Than the tide can halt its course when called in by the full moon.
When the last drop of rain falls from the heavens
Will my love run dry.
And when the last star blackens it’s light and leaves the sky empty and dark
Will my love grow dim.
The force that calls the swan to its winter home
Is the same that calls me to you.
And the force that keeps the earth in its place around the sun
Is the same that keeps me from ever going astray.
Do not ask yourself if my love is the same;
Has the sun risen today?
And do not wonder if my affection wavers;
Will the moon shine its light tonight?
Sooner would the sun forget it’s routine,
And sooner would the moon stay hidden beneath the hills,
Than my love would grow cold.
And if you ever need proof of my love,
it's seal is inscribed on every leaf, and every wave
and on every raindrop and every star
and on every flying bird and in the heavens themselves.
And as sure as all these things,
it will never fail.