Snake Song
smell the earth
with a flick of tongue
creep along
stomach full of fur & teeth
scales begin to rip
& blood drains itself
on the talons of an eagle
he moves you
toward that familiar beak
pisi breath
& blank black orifice
jutting from his white feathered face
you land on the cactus
red petals blushing out of the space of struggle
pisi mi?aru
spit venom
curve your body back
toward musty white feathers
& strike
he forces a guttural tongue
inside your back
gurgles a reply
after sensations fade
bloody scales drop over
your deadened eyes
it’s happened before
will happen again
[everyday a re-enactment
of the creation story]
& each time
you will forget
awaken in the Sonoran desert
each day to give birth
to pass egg after slimy egg
from body to dank earth
& later find part of yourself
encased in an eagle's entrails
Arachnid Verve