Someone is Listening
You feel like there's a weight on your soul
If there was a hole, you would just crawl in
Like no one will hear
Like no one cares
Like life's tumbling down and you can't win
Let me tell you that I've been there too
That place where no one will listen to you
And you've cried and you've cried
Till you're empty inside
Well, if you reach out your hand
Someone will understand
Someone is listening
When it feels like no one cares
Someone is listening
When it feels like no one's there
Through your boiling tears of shame
Look beyond the searing pain
And remember that someone has been through the same
Just look around
Someone is there
Someone is listening
Someone cares
I wish our feelings we didn't have to hide
I wish that life came with an instruction guide
But there's no map and no rules
You just have to get through
Every curve that the maze of life throws at you
Every wave in the sea of life that tosses you around
Till it feels like you'll drown and you can't make a sound
Someone is being a lighthouse
Someone is standing on the shore
You must you open your eyes
Just stop and realize
That it's you they've been waiting for
Someone is holding a lifeboat
And they're beckoning you to get on
They're waiting to pierce through your darkness
By shining the light of their song
I beg you to look for the helpers
And when you're ready, be one too
You can be there for somebody
And someone will be there for you
Take your pain and your suffering
Your bruised and battered heart
Mix it all up and turn it into tattered art
It may be ripped apart
But it's a part of you
And if you're brave enough to share it
Someone else will too
You'll start a ripple effect
That will turn into a wave
It may not be perfect
But it could be enough to save
One person
One life
Maybe they'll start again
Maybe they'll get off the ledge
Maybe they'll find some friends
If you just let your light show
If you somehow let them know
That someone is listening
Even if it's just one soul
Someone is longing to feel whole
The sea of life is tumultuous and vast
But when we all help each other
We make precious moments that last
Just remember: this too shall pass
So when it feels like you'll drown
And you can't make a sound
Look up and look around
And realize that