Stars and Stripes
Stars and Stripes
By: VirgoPoet
Oh say can you see what you have done to me?
So proudly you held people of color cruelly captive.
Whose broad stripes and stars waved for all to see.
Your ramparts were chains, and heinous actions.
As your rockets’ red glare burst in the air.
Blacks were being butchered and treated unfair.
The proof was at night, hunters on the runaway's trails.
So, oh say, can you even really truly see?
The land of the brave and free didn't apply to me.
We were brought over on dim shores, those scars run deep.
Our haughty captures were hell bent on cheap labor I suppose.
We were butchered and murdered slaughtered like sheep.
The truth never gets told only half the information is disclosed.
The whips cracked our backs before the gleam of morning's first beam.
If you close your eyes and really listen you can still hear their screams.
Oh say does that star spangled, land of the free, promise of dreams.
Is not really meant for people of color so it may seem.
They were a band of courageous men freedom they had sworn.
In a time and place where they were hated, they overcame tragedy.
They had decided they would do more than knock, but kick down, freedoms door.
They risked their very life in a courageous fight for us to be set free.
The blood of slaves stains the grounds of most of America's prominent towns.
No chain would be thick enough to keep us forever enslaved.
Take a quick look around, America your city your towns, are built on slave's graves.
Men, who in a land where they were not free still fought so brave.
Thus now forever you’re shot down as a black wanting to be a freeman.
They lynch our loved ones, burnt our homes, and left us with total desolation.
No victory, no peace, just 2 million nomads roaming a foreign land.
All too often colored people get excluded from this so called United Nation.
Like conquers we must conquer the unjust.
Do what we must, in God we have to place our trust.
Oh now every time that star spangled banner waves.
I think to myself, how can a land for the free, be built by slaves?
Wow, I can't believe how you
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