Stricken By Misfortunate

When facing winter challenges at will,
I venture out at night,
there’s many a tale I could relate,
the sound of ambulances leave,
this impression on a person,
who likes to relate heroic acts,
my heart speaks to doctors, nurses, medics,
or indeed everyone who compelled,
bear severe burdens when unwanted,
as they nearly always are for most of us,
I imagine myself coining lines,
that encourage the needy without shelter,
those stricken by ill health,
I compose as I encounter wretched backdrops,
it’s my manner of speaking on their behalf,
avoiding rancour, dogmatic stands across the spectrum,
in my mind the immediate task is to enhance,
what I comprehend is quite intolerable,
it touches deep within my aching heart,
I shall speak out on any stage,
without agenda, ulterior motive, secret bandwagon,
as endless bleak sequence in my mind,
I feel the momentum at the back,
these experiences  I now relate,
must be converted into concerted action,
I declare what my intentions are anon,
and indeed every segment of this journey,
that has impressed itself with force,
the actual thing within the vision,
of a nightly recurring nightmare for those,
who for a variety of reasons endure,
the ordeals they encompass so pitiful,
it’s almost as if their drama is mine,
which naturally it has painfully become,
inlay core  the actors in this impoverishment,
are anything but actors of any type,
I can awaken myself if only I  might,
but this voice has grown hoarse,
the reciter, quoter, relater of flashpoints,
will this project of mine reach a satisfying finale