The Suicide Note

Dear (erstwhile) Mom and Dad

Now that your expectations have been met
My name in good ranks set,
The goal for which you had watered me
I have now, scored it in flying colours.
Let me fly with these hued wings
Tied to my demented soul
Escaping the cage of luxuries
Whose glaring bars had blinded my eyes
To smother my own virtuosic essence,
To beat down my core's artist.

'Twas yesterday I realised; when
With the result, I unlocked its prison door
Only to find dried spilt talent
And the stench of decayed passion;
That I had given it starvation to eat
And the desert drought to drink.
My dizzy eyes let out a scream,
The crammed high percentage drowned in my gory guilt-
Topping the whole nation bore me nothing
But a bucks full of colourless 'future bright'.

I died that day when I lost my head
When asiding my passion, I chose riches instead
When my most understanding begetters betrayed me
I was thrust into the fire of drudgery
All these years I burnt and boiled
Just to become a lifeless puppet
And join the race of zombies
Sweating to dig a grave for themselves
To be buried under money.

All these years to prove myself
( As if I was a theorem)
My drooping eyes passed anxious nights
In a cursed sleep of tensions.

Now at last, don't wake me up
I want to sleep forever and forever.
You wanted me to soar high in the selection
That I've done, bidding my desires away.

I'm grateful, you did for me a lot
By giving me a free choice of destined decisions.
Now, I'll start my own career
In partnership with Death.
Just do me a last favour-
In the clandestine night, enshrine me under
The joyous Earth of a lively playground
Where on me the flowers of
Frivolous imagination shall blossom.

Hence, adieu.