Come all ye young mice who scurry around
Be very careful if in a big house you are found.
It was an adventure - my friend told me so
I was really excited and wanted to go...
I got caught in a trap though not in pain
There was tasty food there but I won’t go again.
I had ventured inside where I smelt a nice treat
but the door closed suddenly as I started to eat.
I got frightened soon after and tried to get out
No chance of that and no one about...
After some time waiting I heard heavy feet.
Then my trap home was lifted out on to the street.
I was carried along and my trap was set down
The door sprang open and I was safe on the ground
I am happy to say it was scary but fun.......
But I am much happier now and still able to run.
I have heard sad stories and lost many a friend
Some traps are deadly and that was their end.
So take my advice and eat where you may
But from all those traps please stay away!
Though this is about a mouse
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A cautionary tale couched in
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To Johnson P J, thank you so
Mary PP
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Thank you very much MyNah_27!
Mary PP
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