Their Pain
Telling themselves it's all right
Their eyes dull
Struggling day by day
No chance of feeling alright
The cuts on their wrist bleeding out
They didn't fit in
No one seemed to notice
Putting on a fake smile
Never feeling okay
Doubting themselves everyday.
The cuts never healing
They carry on like wounded soldiers
Hurting inside
Wanting to die
Every day like hell
Pretending to be happy
Pretending to laugh
Pretending to feel all right
Feeling like a waste of space
The taunting thoughts mangling their brain.
No one cared enough to save them from themselves
They ended up six feet under
Ropes around their necks
Bullets in their heads
Drowning in a pool
Their wishes dead.
The world should bow its head in shame
For being so ignorant and cruel
Unaware of what that person is going through,
We ridicule and beat them down for our own pleasure
Not knowing that they call their house a war zone
Not knowing that they've been put in a foster home
Slipping deeper and deeper into the empty void
Their world crumbling around them.
Go kill yourself
You're worthless
You're a mistake
These hateful and arrogant words
Cracking their facade
Wondering if its alright to just end it all.
The endless suffering
The pain that you don't know about
The pain that you can't see
A gallon of bleach
They lay there, dead and pale