Tides - puppets of the universe and earth's vernal motherlode,
cast by the sky's holy triad through the caverns of time.
Pawn to a faraway galaxy girding the imagination.
Magnetic beam of cosmos shunting silver tinted stream from pillar to post.
Gravity a potent magnate, elemental locking tool, pulling no punches.
Sinewy ripple gnawing at the heal of rushing rivulets.
Brine-filled backwash,
Manaunaun, mythic sea god and whirlpool rhythm saviour.
Curator at the carrageen cusp.
Ear of gaia, titan offspring soaking up the ocean's saline secrets.
Interstitial lichen purged from rock and crevice as moss flecks wither on sequestered pools.
Tilting reeds mingle with the crowded flora and their flock like gestures.
Frescos of frothing rapids leach the rampart studded coasts.
Shorelines daubed with spiral seashells and lovers telltale footprints.
Shoot the moon soulmates swallowed in the eddy of Eros.
Tangled torsos
sensual gasp filtered through Aeon’s heady torrent.
Moonlight laughter pours into the sand, that eager host that welcomes whimsy with its golden grains.
Neptune nudge and wink peering enviously behind some cloud.
Aphrodite wonder waltz, showcase or parade inside the ballroom in the sky.
Tides of passage, tides of time,
tidal waves awash and on the march.
The unstoppable march!
Explanatory notes.
Manaunaun in Irish mythology the god of motion, and of the waves of the sea.
Gaia is the mother of all life.