Ukraine’s Animals
I will not leave my pooch behind,
my buddy for nine years.
You will not leave your kittens, no,
though the despot’s army nears.
His missiles tear apart the flesh
of our dear land as fangs
of lions and hyenas rend
the tissue from—Bang! Bang!
We hear the blasts and feel the blasts
from our makeshift cellar shelter,
imagining our city’s fauna
dashing helter-skelter.
We need to flee. They need to flee.
And what about the zoo—
zebras, elephants, giraffes,
newborn lemurs, too?
Panicky, they sense the danger
round their habitation,
their future as uncertain as
the future of our nation.
The air raid sirens wail and howl
but our wolves are louder still.
The monkeys need fruit, the tigers meat.
They must not get a chill.
They’ve murdered zoo staff fetching food
for famished animals,
and critters have died from thrashing about
in their cages, cracking their skulls.
Our home—is it not our sanctuary,
a place to feel secure in?
Better than subways, though, where crowds
now starve and smell the urine.
Another blast! Our pets are panting.
We must get out and leave them.
We head for the border knowing that
we shall forever grieve them.
Quite a stellar, thoughtful
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Thanks, Regina. (By the way,
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