Underground with You and Neil Young

by mhead

                                            Underground with You and Neil Young
Got the fright last night, but in a different kind of way, I was twisting in my sheets thinking I was
some kind of subterranean traveler, from New York to Boston, in the dark with some girl shining
my way, and I stopped off to play guitar with Neil Young for a bit, and got lost several times
competing between different levels of unremitting shadow, and the morning went by as I was too
tired and wrapped up in my subconscious to break free, I knocked over my phone and it made
a deliriously loud clap—nothing that would revive me though… I wrestled the tainted afternoon
into night, hoping that I’d get there, wherever it was I was going… but it seemed fruitless, and
even more futile to stop trying… the dream had me right where it wanted me… where
consciousness couldn’t  reach me… not with a boat horn, or a shock, or incisive thought that
could cut through my subliminal state… and I don’t know how I woke that night, because I was
still under when I was getting my coffee, all glazed and disheveled—them asking “is that your
third coffee today?” …when I could barely lift my hand for what I could have sworn was my first…