The Valiant Warrior


A couple of centuries elapsed, yet memory of him
pulsates still. The ears of the caparisoned elephants

and the music of drums and cymbals are rhythmically
synchronized. Men and women stand in reverence

before the mausoleum of their valiant warrior;
religious differences dissolve in the festive air.

They commemorate the martyrdom magnificently.
The root of his eternal life is in honesty and justice.

He fought undaunted in the trap of treachery.
Each move was jingoistic under the searing sun.

A spectacular display of martial art; Tipu’s soldiers
were scattered into a debacle. Drunk with the victory,

the combatant of the coast was washing wounds in a
pond. Then a perfidious arrow pierced his pride and

pleasure. As he fell down, his foe from the thicket
pounced upon him. There was a sparkle of valor even

on his beheaded visage. Who could stop *Hydrous
galloping along the heart of his land and lady?

*Hydrous Kutty Moopar was a brave warrior from the Chavakkadan Coast, Kerala,
who fought for truth and justice. Unfortunately, he was treacherously killed by the
soldiers of Mysore ruler Tipu Sultan. The memory of his martyrdom (Manathala
Nercha) is celebrated splendidly every year.

First published in The Literary Hatchet