
by Deredza

I walk towards, i walk away, i walk around, each and every day.
Walk through the city, between greetings, between streets.
The walk i take, feel full of effortless defeats.
The archways are tall, and between them the light,
Shimmers dimmly or not at all at night
The walk i take, does not feel right, the road has changed but not that quite.
The dogs they shelter, from the rain, the people walk, to clear the pain.
I walk to soak myself with tears, the rain it hides intentions and fears.
I walk at times and smile and dance
And sing a song of life's romance,
And run and play, and roam and yell, the rain covers theese things just aswell.
I feel aloof but i care not, the song feels good the dullnes does not.
The rain will clear and wash the dirt, off a solemn hart thats used to hurt.
The clean heart is bare for love or pain the raindropps drumm across its veins.
Once its clean a stab may bleed but songs will play and joy will bring, a sweeter shine a taste to the pain, the taste of life and all worthy of the same.
The heart that shines will burn with flames, extinguish not against the rain.
For the heart has regained life and man a name.
Rivers on the roads now red and bright, burn in reflections of evening lights.
Whats year without some rain, whats a life without love and pain.
A pure heart is open to harm, a pure heart even hurts with charm.
A true heart it bleeds yet burns, a true heart its lesson learns a true heart to a man returns.